Well, it seems while Google was doing something that seemed long overdue for iOS, Facebook, not to be outdone, decided it was time to scratch Android’s back… Continue reading
Category: Android
Google Now, one of Android’s best features that was introduced back in July of this year, has finally decided to extend its territory to new and exciting places…. Continue reading
You gotta love Twitter. When people have gripes, they take to the social networking site to air grievances and you never know what will happen next. This time,… Continue reading
As stated earlier, it seems that Google is just all about releasing things this week. It makes me wonder if they planned this…(probably did). The latest in announcements… Continue reading
You know, I’m starting to have an issue with Apple’s iMessage application for iOS. Now you can go ahead and say that I’ll hate anything Apple just because… Continue reading
News was released this morning via Twitter that T-Mobile will now be selling Apple products in their stores come 2013. There was no word on which products will… Continue reading
Hardware companies’ hidden agenda: Girlfriend-mode gaming
Side note: I wrote this article earlier this year, but felt it appropriate re-release seeing as that the Wii U will be released this weekend… As I… Continue reading
First, I would like to start off with Happy Nexus Day everyone. I hope that everyone that wanted to get a new Nexus device got what they wanted… Continue reading
Apple’s Tyranny in the Eyes of a Non-Technical Person
As you may or may not know, I am a big proponent of open software and the free flow of information. Very much so, that I have sworn… Continue reading
Product Review: Asus/Google Nexus 7
The Major is back with another review. Finally coming out of my writing hiatus (and my vacation, and my job, and all the tech that I’ve acquired and… Continue reading