Category: Self Reflection

charity convention cosplay E3 Extra-Life Gaming Major's House Microsoft Opinion PC PlayStation 4 PlayStation Network Preview Self Reflection Sony Sony Entertainment Network Technology Uncategorized Video Website Xbox Live Xbox One YouTube 1

The Major’s Tour of The Division

Black Friday is almost upon us! The biggest shopping day of the year (even though it technically starts on Thursdays now for some reason)! While people are suplexing… Continue reading

E3 Gaming Japan Major's House Microsoft Mobile Music Nintendo Opinion PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 PlayStation Network PS Vita Self Reflection Sony Sony Entertainment Network Technology twitch Video Xbox One YouTube

The Major’s Retrospective on the PS4

ZOMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG PLAYSTATION4 IS  A YEAR OLD!!!! BEST SYSTEM EVAH!!!!! KEVIN BUTLER HAS MY HEART!!!!!!11!!!!1111!!!!!!!!1 There definitely could have been times during my adult… Continue reading