…and it “shows” with the terrible production audio. A new microphone has been purchased to fix the issue and will all for a more “personal” touch… MTSEpisode14
Author: MajorLinux
Hardware companies’ hidden agenda: Girlfriend-mode gaming
Side note: I wrote this article earlier this year, but felt it appropriate re-release seeing as that the Wii U will be released this weekend… As I… Continue reading
First, I would like to start off with Happy Nexus Day everyone. I hope that everyone that wanted to get a new Nexus device got what they wanted… Continue reading
So, if it already isn’t painfully obvious, I love buying tech. Some of it maybe awesome while others may be a little weird, but I always make a point… Continue reading
Apple’s Tyranny in the Eyes of a Non-Technical Person
As you may or may not know, I am a big proponent of open software and the free flow of information. Very much so, that I have sworn… Continue reading
Product Review: Asus/Google Nexus 7
The Major is back with another review. Finally coming out of my writing hiatus (and my vacation, and my job, and all the tech that I’ve acquired and… Continue reading
I’M FINALLY BACK! Even though I’ve been back for nearly two weeks, I finally decided to update the blog. I know I said I was going to be… Continue reading
Taking Flight: A Tech Geek’s Tale (Miami Edition)
Labor Day! What a joyous holiday it is! This holiday marks the unofficial end of summer (with the actual end being September 22). From what I’ve gathered from… Continue reading
The Super Late Thoughts on Sound Shapes (PS3/Vita)
There comes a time in every man’s life when they need to sit down and actually do something with it. I think today is that day. Its been… Continue reading