As of right now, this is a damn good game! Only time will tell, but I won’t let a Metal Gear Rising happen again! —Check me out on… Continue reading
Tag: Steam
Half Advanced Wars! Half Metal Gear! Half D&D! All comedic gold! It’s all fun and games until the game crashes! —Check me out on Social Media—MastodonInstagramTwitchYouTubeTikTokPatreonDiscord
Time to dust off the fight stick and start cracking some skulls. —Check me out on Social Media—MastodonInstagramTwitchYouTubeTikTokPatreonDiscord
Tennis is back, baby! If only I was good at it! —Check me out on Social Media—MastodonInstagramTwitchYouTubeTikTokPatreonDiscord
The small European streets are really holding me back! —Check me out on Social Media—MastodonInstagramTwitchYouTubeTikTokPatreonDiscord
While it may not be the “Overwatch Killer”, I am a huge fan of the gameplay and it came highly recommended! —Check me out on Social Media—MastodonInstagramTwitchYouTubeTikTokPatreonDiscord
While I’m not much of a Metal Slug fan, I do love some tactics games. What I’m not really a fan of is music tracks doubling up for… Continue reading
It’s been a while since I played this and, while some things have changed, the game loop has stayed the same. —Check me out on Social Media—MastodonInstagramTwitchYouTubeTikTokPatreonDiscord
A very well done MetroidVania. I just hope that Zau isn’t this dense through the whole game. —Check me out on Social Media—MastodonInstagramTwitchYouTubeTikTokPatreonDiscord
While it has been out for a while in early access, Satisfactory hit 1.0 this year. Who knew chasing presents were more fun than building a factory? —Check… Continue reading