I’m starting to wonder if I could turn #FiveDollarFridayFTK into a song. Working with some new equipment so I hope everything turns out okay. You can learn… Continue reading
Category: Major’s House
Join Me Tonight on Twitch For #FiveDollarFridayFTK
Well, its that time again where I sit on my ass and actually do something worthwhile and meaningful. Of course, I’m talking about playing some games to help… Continue reading
Gaming News PS4 3.50 update snuck in support for 4TB HDDs (http://www.engadget.com/2016/04/08/ps4-update-hidden-features/) Driveclub devs join with Codemasters (http://www.polygon.com/2016/4/11/11405904/evolution-studios-joins-codemasters) Titanfall 2 Announced (http://www.polygon.com/2016/4/11/11408508/titanfall-2-first-teaser-trailer-ea-respawn) Microsoft E3 presser dated (http://www.technobuffalo.com/2016/04/12/microsofts-e3-press-conference-date/) Ubisoft… Continue reading
Gaming News Axion Verge is finally coming to the Vita (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016/03/31/axiom-verge-comes-to-ps-vita-april-19-2/) SCE and SNE are now officially SIE (http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016/04/01/a-new-chapter-in-the-story-of-playstation/) Sony engineer creates custom controller for gamer with cerebral… Continue reading
The Loft: Final Fantasy XV Platinum Demo
While testing some new recording hardware, I thought I’d play the newest Final Fantasy XV demo. Boy was I disappointed…
The Adventures of the Mutest Division Agent: We’re in the DAAAAANGER…er…Dark Zone!
For the last video of the night, we ventured into the Dark Zone, which is kinda like the Danger Zone…right? You can get involved with Extra Life by… Continue reading
The Adventures of the Mutest Division Agent: He Finally Has the Power of Voice
After figuring out what happened to my mic several videos in, I finally join SobeDog007 in turning on the power in Time Square! You can get involved with… Continue reading
The Adventures of the Mutest Division Agent: Spitting that Hot Fire
This video definitely illustrates how not to use charities! If you’re looking for a good one, how about Extra Life! You can get involved with Extra Life by… Continue reading
The Adventures of the Mutest Division Agent: Oh My God They’re Spraying Fire!
Martinez, why do you want to set fire to New York? You can get involved with Extra Life by donating time: http://extra-life.org/ Or you can donate money:… Continue reading
The Adventures of the Mutest Division Agent: Its Getting Hot In Here
Okay, so who turned up the heat? All these damn Cleaners don’t make no sense! You can get involved with Extra Life by donating time: http://extra-life.org/ Or… Continue reading