V has come so many times, he should have a frequent visitor’s pass. —Check me out on Social Media—MastodonInstagramTwitchYouTubeTikTokPatreonDiscord
Tag: PC
So, I guess we’re going to be talking about the High Republic because everything between Order 66 and A New Hope is so old right now… —Check me… Continue reading
Sit down with your favorite cup of morning beverage and watch as the Major tries to find various kinds of work. —Check me out on Social Media—MastodonInstagramTwitchYouTubeTikTokPatreonDiscord
Looks like it takes a bit more than 30 minutes to really get a feel for a game. —Check me out on Social Media—MastodonInstagramTwitchYouTubeTikTokPatreonDiscord
The salon gathers to discuss the state of Redfall, Game Pass, and Xbox’s first party. We also tackle the AMD Z1, the ROG Ally and what this could… Continue reading
What makes a bad game? Who makes a bad game? Why does this feel like a Zelda dungeon? —Check me out on Social Media—MastodonInstagramTwitchYouTubeTikTokPatreonDiscord
I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. And now I know… —Check me out on Social Media—MastodonInstagramTwitchYouTubeTikTokPatreonDiscord
Now that the PC version plays…okay, I can finally get my Jedi on. Still disturbed by the lack of poncho! —Check me out on Social Media—MastodonInstagramTwitchYouTubeTikTokPatreonDiscord
The MajorPlays crew digs into the performance issues plaguing the PC version of Star Wars Jedi Survivor. We then switch gears…er…tracks to play some Unrailed and discover new… Continue reading
This week, we head over to Midgar to clean a fire bombed bar, a mechanical spider, a three-wheeled truck from the 50’s and a familiar, but oddly named… Continue reading