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Tech Talk Thursdays Episode #56 (04/21/2022)

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Tech Netflix blames 100M users without paid accounts for revenue and subscriber drop Decentralized Twitter alternative Mastodon officially arrives on the Google Play Store Surfshark VPN and other… Continue reading

4K Activision Apple Avermedia Blizzard bluetooth capture card Clubhouse console Corsair cryptocurrency Discord Elgato Gaming Facebook Game Pass Gaming Google Hacking Hardware HDR iOS iPadOS macOS Microsoft NFT Opinion PC PlayStation 3 Podcast politics social issues spyware Streaming surveillance Tech Talk Thursday Technology Tesla twitch Twitter Video vulnerabilities Windows Windows 11 YouTube

Tech Talk Thursdays Episode #55 (04/07/2022)

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Tech Apple fixes multiple zero-day exploits with iOS 15.4.1 and macOS 12.3.1 macOS 12.3.1 fixes bug affecting game controllers and other Bluetooth devices Pegasus hacked the iPhone of… Continue reading

Activision AirTags Apple Apple Silicon Asus Blizzard Bungie Destiny 2 Discord DMCA Game Pass Gaming Hacking Instagram LG M1 Mac Meta Microsoft Nintendo OBS Studio Overwatch PlayStation PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5 Podcast Security Sony Stadia Steam Streaming Tech Talk Thursday Technology twitch Video Wii Windows 11 Xbox YouTube

Tech Talk Thursdays Episode #54 (03/24/2022)

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Tech AirTag stalking controversy leads Tile to add its own anti-stalking feature Digital sanctions against Russia could create a ‘splinternet,’ suggests MIT Sabotage: Code added to popular NPM… Continue reading

AMD Apple Apple TV+ cloud Electronic Arts Facebook Game Pass Gaming Google Instagram iOS iPad iPhone Linux macOS metaverse Microsoft Netflix NFT Pixel PlayStation Podcast Radeon Samsung Stadia Steam Deck Streaming Tech Talk Thursday Technology twitch Ubisoft Windows Windows 11 Xbox YouTube

Tech Talk Thursdays Episode #53 (03/17/2022)

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Tech Windows 11 gets a new tabbed interface for File Explorer YouTube Offers Up to $300,000 to Get Podcasters to Make Videos | Financial Post Instagram to bring… Continue reading