I know its taken me a while to actually post something about this project, but I wanted to make sure certain things were taken care of prior to my announcement here on the site. With that being said, I’ll be posting the original pitch as it was written on GoFundMe:
MajorPlay is a used gaming shop and gaming lounge that I am trying to start up as a way to spend more time with my family and to work closer with my favorite charity, Extra Life, while still keeping my love of gaming close to me. I feel like opening this establishment, would also help benefit the small town that I live in as I would be providing a safe space for anyone of any age to gather around a common hobby and get to know others in the community that they live in.
The funds gathered here will be used as initial seed money to acquire the space and to furnish it with chairs, monitors, various consoles, and the games to play.
This idea is part of a project that I’ve started for myself on my 29th birthday (February 22nd) where I wanted to be able to have a business operational by the time I turn 30. I am hoping to have the doors open by February 22nd, 2018.
My wife and I had our first son back in September and between working full time, promoting and raising money for Extra Life, and working on my gaming site, MajorsHouse.com, it has been a really difficult to spend more time with my family while keeping gaming as a part of my life.
By opening up this shop, I am hoping that I will be able to provide for and spend more time with my family, doing something that I actually love doing, giving something back to my local community, using the business to promote positive things such as charity, and to leave something for my son when he gets older.
I am also hoping to use the facility to help promote the gaming charity Extra Life, which is part of the Children’s Miracle Network. This charity uses gaming to raise funds for local hospitals which fits into giving back to the community.
Being able to do this, to be able to carve a little nitche into the gaming community, to provide a place for everyone to come together and help grow this amazing industry while being able to focus more time on family and charity would mean so much to me. I would finally be able to follow a dream in my own special way and take people with me all because of your help.
If this sounds like something that you’d be interested in, I really appreciate it you could help me by investing in MajorPlay. You can go to GoFundMe.com/MajorPlay to donate.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and help me in achieving my dream of spending my full time giving back and spending more time with my family.