Apple Opinion Technology 1

Why are people still worshiping Steve Jobs?

You know, I never really understood a lot of things on the internet and the people who post them.  I normally don’t question them, but this one has really been bothering me for some time.

I’m sitting here with my fiancee watching Louie on Netflix (well she’s slightly watching it while I’m reading articles and writing this post), when I come across an article on The Next Web entitled “Must watch: A collection of over 250 videos about Steve Jobs presented in biographical order“.  Then it hits me. Why is there so much content coming out about Steve Jobs after he died?  Why do people feel compelled to keep this man alive who has done nothing more than suck people into buying a computer?

Now you may think that I may be some insensitive jerk and, quite frankly, I don’t give a damn.  I hardly see anything posted about people who have actually made a difference in society.  I may be a computer scientist (in my mind, not like I have a degree in it or anything), but I don’t think that making a computer simplistic warrants any kind of superior recognition over others who have made a difference in society.

I mean, I don’t know, maybe I’m just losing my mind…

1 Comment

  • Reply
    Apr 23, 2016 11:28 am

    It’s not about the computers,it’s the spirit of Steve(pbuh)\\peace be upon him

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