What’s good, everybody!
Figured I’d stop in and write a couple of things because this has actually started turning into YouTube video factory. Not that I have any issues with it, but looking at the site’s humble beginnings as a regurgitator of gaming and tech news and its slow pivot to a place for stream archives and whatever web-based shenanigans I can get into (I mean, I do own several domains and a couple of servers so why not), it’s hard to ignore the growth of MajorLinux.com along with the YouTube and Twitch channels since June of 2012 and definitely since the start of The Kaiden Age.
It has been with your help that we’ve been able to make such great strides with MajorLinux and is why I love and appreciate your support in helping me.
Through the support that you have shown me over the years, I’ve been doing fairly well under Twitch’s Affiliate program, I have been put in contact with many organizations to continue working on the things I love and scale them to meet the needs of others and raise money for my local Children’s Miracle Network hospital through Extra Life.
That brings me to the point of this post. I’ve tried to make it clear, time and time again, that I want to bring entertainment and value from MajorLinux with no strings attached. I won’t make you jump through hoops when it comes to giveaways. I’m a man of simplicity and like to have that reflected in everything that I do.

However, as of late, I’ve come to start asking for money for various things. First, it was Extra Life. Then it came and went MajorPlay. And now bits are here. As you can see, there is a pattern. Growth came with some complications. More specifically, it came with some monetary one. So, I want to take this time to clarify a few things about what I’m doing with MajorsHouse when it comes to soliciting on either site. This actually may be more for me than for anyone else.

What is it?
From Patreon:
Patreon is a way to get paid for creating the things you’re already creating.
Patreon allows you to subscribe to the work that I’m doing on a monthly basis.
Why am I asking for money?
Essentially, for quite some time now, whether it’s good or bad, I have been creating content for almost 7 years now. I have written blogs and shot vlogs, I have covered video games through word and screen. I have a nasty habit of creating podcasts (even though I think I have one that might stick this time).
I’ve also been doing a a lot of work off-network as well. I’ve been doing some technical consulting for many organizations. Providing technical support and guidance for websites and their communities, most of which are non-profit.
The big ask here is that I’d like to be able to continue this kind of work for people who can’t do it themselves. I’d like to continue doing the research and start doing some development into better solutions for the organizations and could use some help in doing so.
How can you support?
You can help support by going to my Patreon page and subscribing with any amount.
I can assure you the money is not going to waste because I am constantly working bring ideas to fruition not only for myself but for those that I closely work with.
Bits and Subscriptions (Twitch Affiliation)

What is it?
So, Twitch Affiliates is an attempt by Twitch to reach out to the up-and-coming streamers to help them monetize their streams through the use of cheering with bits and subscriptions. I’d like to call it “Twitch Partner Lite”, and in light of the recent revelations that transcoding by default is still locked up in the Partners section, its getting even more “lite”.
Why am I asking for money?
This one isn’t necessarily me asking for money, but Twitch’s way of allowing you to send me money directly if you think I’m being an awesome dude. That’s it. At one cent per bit, it isn’t necessarily going to make me rich overnight (although it could), I plan on using the money from this avenue (if I could at least get to $100) to help buy necessary things for the stream. Short term, you’re looking at games (as of this writing, I just upgraded stream equipment), but it could go towards bigger things like beefing up the overall system like maybe a new graphics card when the time comes.
With subscriptions, it feels a little bit more direct. There are three different tiers of support at $4.99, $9.99, $24.99. Also, if you have Amazon Prime, you have one free $4.99 sub you can use however you see fit. With these subscription options as an affiliate, I will be able to benefit from 50% of the subscriptions while Twitch get’s the other 50%.
I like to look at this as my supporters directly investing in what I do on Twitch removed from all the other fundraising efforts and, in turn, enable me to do something for all the supporters who have been here since the beginning and those we pick up along the way.
How can you support?
This one is fairly easy. Essentially, if you like what I’m doing on stream, just cheer in chat and throw in some bits. Its relatively simple, and I really appreciate it! If anything, you can “cheer me a beer”!
So, there you have it! All the ways you can support MajorLinux! For those who have supported us and supported our causes, we really thank you. For those who are looking to support, I hope this possibly clears things up and look forward to your support.
Again, if there are any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below, reach out to me on Twitter or email me at marcus@majorshouse.com!
-Marcus “MajorLinux” Summers