Decided I show you all what you can do to clean up and protect your Internet browsing. ▶ Check out my gear on Kit!
Category: twitch
The MajorsHouse Show Extra Life Spectacular: The Maker of My Demise
Decided I’d take some codes from the viewers to see if they could properly stomp me. Needless to say, they succeed. ▶ Check out my gear on Kit:… Continue reading
MajorUpdate (06/24/2019)
Figured I’d drop you all a line to let you know what’s going on at MajorsHouse HQ! This also served as a small test with me going back… Continue reading
The MajorsHouse Show Extra Life Spectacular: Everything Is On Loop?
We found out that the latest Lonely Island track is on loop in the game. Still destroyed the ContentID detection.
The MajorsHouse Show Extra Life Spectacular: Everything is Indeed Awesome
While I’m a little upset that we won’t be getting a new Forza this year, all you have to do is distract me with Legos and I’m good… Continue reading
The MajorsHouse Show Extra Life Spectacular: Back By Popular Demand
After taking a brief hiatus from the Extra Life Twitch channel, I was so happy to be the first to bring Overwatch back to the stage!
The MajorsHouse Show Extra Life Spectacular: For Me, It Was a Thursday!
I continue on with my adventure in to Dandara. Not sure how much more I’m going to play of this, though.
The MajorsHouse Show Extra Life Spectacular: The Brazilian Jump Off
Figured I’d give Dandara a try! Not sure why I didn’t give this a go sooner!
The MajorsHouse Extra Life Spectacular: Let Me Automate You!
Who knew automating the mundane could be so…relaxing?
The MajorsHouse Show #ExtraLife Spectacular: Once Upon a Time In Italy
After finally ironing out some issues with my PC, I grace the Extra Life stage with more Forza action!