Well, we made it to the end of Titanfall 2. I would still like to remind everyone that I’m not good at videogames. I just play a gamer… Continue reading
Category: Gaming
MajorBlooper: Stone Faced Gaming
Something happened with the webcam at the end of the stream where it just froze. Not sure what happened, but I sure as shit look serious! You can… Continue reading
The MajorsHouse Show Ep. 51: Just All Wrong
I originally wasn’t going to post this, but decided to anyway. You can catch me playing live over at Twitch every weeknight (and possibly Saturdays) at 9:00pm! Sundays you… Continue reading
The MajorsHouse Show Ep. 50: Calling Your Shot
A lot of people want to say this is a story about “a boy and his robot”. I think of this as putting your faith in a machine… Continue reading
The MajorsHouse Show Extra Life Spectacular: Tendin’ The Farm
I’ve seen this game played so much, I figured i’d give…it..a… I’ll be right back. I gotta get rid of all this… Where did all this grass come… Continue reading
The MajorsHouse Show 12 Hour MajorPlay Spectacular Part 6: Gaming Induced Injuries
Titanfall 2 has to be one of the most tense games I’ve ever played. To be fair, the only other game I may have been “injured” from are… Continue reading
The MajorsHouse Show 12 Hour MajorPlay Spectacular Part 5: Bringing a Gun to a Knife Fight
A game that begins to introduce walking grenade robots is not a good game for me. But I’ll look past it because this game just looks gorgeous! This… Continue reading
The MajorsHouse Show 12 Hour MajorPlay Spectacular Part 4: Is Titan a Titan or a Planet?
I switch gears from from hacking to just straight shooting. War has definitely changed. It added single-player… This stream was part of a special marathon for MajorPlay, a… Continue reading
The MajorsHouse Show 12 Hour MajorPlay Spectacular Part 3: Giving Credit Where Credit is Due
Well, it sure has been fun! We’ve seen some people, we’ve hacked some people, and sure as shit blew up some things. But its time to give credit… Continue reading
The MajorsHouse Show 12 Hour MajorPlay Spectacular Part 2: The Retr0-Spec-tive
During this part of the 12 hour stream, I decided to make sure Marcus was spec’ed out for how I wanted to play the end game. This meant… Continue reading